Hyatt Hotel Orlando International Airport

This project was an occupied renovation of 440+ rooms and common spaces at the Hyatt Regency located within the Orlando International Airport. Careful phasing and planning, more than what is typical, was utilized because of the nature of the project. Ranked as the 15th busiest Airport in the US, it sees thousands of visitors each day. Being invisible and safe during the duration of this project was our highest priority. Through communication and an efficient submittal process, T&G was able to keep construction going while ensuring visitors safety. A total of 444 guestrooms were renovated. Drywall mold remediation along with other unforeseen conditions  required some team adjustment, but nonetheless T&G completed the project on time. T&G also had to replace all FCU in each room and replace all electrical power breakers for each FCU. The outcome was amazing, upscale guestrooms which were all completed by contract date. T&G worked as a team to ensure the end result was  something that would have guest talking even after their stay at the Hyatt Regency.